2023. október 23., hétfő

Days of the Titles

 Travel Is Never-ending II: Reptilian's Hand (2024)

In My Dreams coming tracks -
01. Our Intr duction (Intro)
02. Witness
03. Full Carv3d R1tual
04. Red Carpet (Red Elevator)

I'm done with the 'covers' and i continue the story writing. Some lot of problems came to last 3 years. Device problems,my drawings are deleted from my phone,and last noises what was i recorded for these songs. Then i'm tired of this. Now i see the flame,i'm came back for the projects. I exercise for the songs,and i practice new sounds on my guitar and my instruments. Keep waiting,because maybe hard 'birth' coming. Just released after that shit and fucking idiot 3 years. When i done with the 'Red Elevator' lyrics (Now - Red Carpet) ,and i'm uploaded,then i saw a copy sound at another band. I wrote to this fucking idiot,"hey you shit,this is my drone music."

If You follow my project's page,You see the full tracklist!

2023. június 12., hétfő

A Travel Is Never-Ending I-II:

 Elsőre amilyen ijesztőnek tűnik,szerintem annál spirituálisabb mondanivaló lesz benne. Várjuk ki a második részt. - Battle for the Crown (2024) -

2023. március 25., szombat

A Travel is Never-Ending:

 Maybe I haven't run out of drawing ideas, because I have a very interesting choice, but it might not be i make at home or in this country. (2024) I would like to close the drawing series,but these plans are 'living' and something beauty,than earlier,incredible to imagine. Vita nihil aliud..... - "The whole of life is nothing but a journey to death."

Poland - Zakopane